Estimate a Demand Model From Aggregate Market Shares

estimate_demand(df, market_ids, product_id, market_share, outside_share,
  exog_charac, price, nest_shares = NULL, instruments = NULL,
  productFE = TRUE, marketFE = "both", supply_side = FALSE)



Dataframe to containing data to be used in estimation


List of variables contaning market identifiers


Variable containing product identifier


Variable containing product market shares, as a character string


Variable outside shares, as a character string


Vector of exogenous product characteristic variables, as a character vector


Variable containing market price, as a character string


Vector of nest share variables, as a character vector


Vector of instrument names, as a character vector - NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED


Logical variable, TRUE leads to estimation with product fixed effects


Character string of which market fixed effects to contain, takes value "both", "geog" or "time"


Logical variable, TRUE leads to estimation with the constraints from a Bertrand-Nash Oligopoly Model - NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED


Returns an object of class "lm" when instruments = FALSE


# Regression Without Nests mkts <- create_markets(geog_id = "market_id", time_id = "year") price_var <- c("price_euro") exog_var <- c("kilowatts", "fueleff_avg", "width", "height", "domestic") mkt_share <- c("mkt_share") outside_share <- c("outside_share") ## Create Shares df <- mkt_share_from_sales(eurocars, quantity = 'qty_sold', population = 'population') df2 <- create_shares(df, market_id = mkts, mkt_share = 'mkt_share')
#> [1] "Creating Outside Share..." #> [1] "Done!"
## Run regression reg <- estimate_demand(df = df2, market_ids = mkts, product_id = 'model_id2', market_share = mkt_share, outside_share = outside_share, exog_charac = exog_var, price = price_var, marketFE = "both", productFE = TRUE)
#> [1] "Estimation With Geographic and Time Fixed Effects" #> [1] "Estimation With Product Fixed Effects"
# Regression With One Level Nest mkts <- create_markets(geog_id = "market_id", time_id = "year") price_var <- c("price_euro") exog_var <- c("kilowatts", "fueleff_avg", "width", "height", "domestic") mkt_share <- c("mkt_share") outside_share <- c("outside_share") ## Create Shares df <- mkt_share_from_sales(eurocars, quantity = 'qty_sold', population = 'population') df2 <- create_shares(df, market_id = mkts, mkt_share = 'mkt_share', nest_id = 'class_id')
#> [1] "Creating Outside Share..." #> [1] "Done!" #> [1] "Working with one layer of nests..." #> [1] "Nest ID is: class_id"
## Run regression reg <- estimate_demand(df = df2, market_ids = mkts, product_id = 'model_id2', market_share = mkt_share, outside_share = outside_share, exog_charac = exog_var, price = price_var, nest_shares = c("within_nest"), marketFE = "both", productFE = TRUE)
#> [1] "Estimation With Geographic and Time Fixed Effects" #> [1] "Estimation With Product Fixed Effects"
# Regression With Two Level Nest mkts <- create_markets(geog_id = "market_id", time_id = "year") price_var <- c("price_euro") exog_var <- c("kilowatts", "fueleff_avg", "width", "height", "domestic") mkt_share <- c("mkt_share") outside_share <- c("outside_share") ## Create Shares df <- mkt_share_from_sales(eurocars, quantity = 'qty_sold', population = 'population') df2 <- create_shares(df, market_id = mkts, mkt_share = 'mkt_share', nest_id = 'class_id', subnest_id = 'domestic')
#> [1] "Creating Outside Share..." #> [1] "Done!" #> [1] "Working with two layers of nests..." #> [1] "Nest ID is: class_id" #> [1] "Sub-Nest ID is: domestic"
## Run regression reg <- estimate_demand(df = df2, market_ids = mkts, product_id = 'model_id2', market_share = mkt_share, outside_share = outside_share, exog_charac = exog_var, price = price_var, nest_shares = c("within_nest", "within_subnest"), marketFE = "both", productFE = TRUE)
#> [1] "Estimation With Geographic and Time Fixed Effects" #> [1] "Estimation With Product Fixed Effects"