Chapter 14 Config Files


14.1 The config.yaml filepath

In our project’s root directory we have the file config.yaml:

$ ls -F
config.yaml  HELP.txt
install_r_packages.R  logs/  out/  REQUIREMENTS.txt  sandbox/
Snakefile  src/

If we look at the contents of config.yaml we see a collection of paths that match up to the paths in our project:

$ cat config.yaml
ROOT: "."
sub2root: "../../"
src: "src/"
log: "logs/"
out: "out/"
src_data: "src/data/"
src_data_mgt: "src/data-management/"
src_analysis: "src/analysis/"
src_lib: "src/lib/"
src_model_specs: "src/model-specs/"
src_data_specs: "src/data-specs/"
src_tables: "src/tables/"
src_figures: "src/figures/"
src_paper: "src/paper/"
src_slides: "src/slides/"

out_analysis: "out/analysis/"
out_data: "out/data/"
out_figures: "out/figures/"
out_tables: "out/tables/"
out_paper: "out/paper/"
out_slides: "out/slides/"

We can use this collection of paths to simplify the content of the Snakefile. First we must import the config.yaml file into the Snakefile. We import it using the configfile: notation, and so it’s easy for us to find, we place it at the very top of our Snakefile.

## Snakemake - MRW Replication
## @yourname

# --- Importing Configuration Files --- #

configfile: "config.yaml"

# --- Dictionaries --- #

14.2 Using paths from the config file

We can now use the paths in config.yaml throughout the Snakefile. The text to the left of the colon in each line of the file is our reference to a particular path, so src_data will serve as our reference to the folder src/data/. Snakemake does not knows this path reference comes from the config file unless we instruct it to, so we reference it as config["src_data"]. The path is then connected to the filename with a +. Hence we can reference the original MRW data located in src/data as config["src_data"] + "mrw.dta" Here is the new version of the rule rename_vars using the config file to simplify the paths:

## rename_vars        : creates meaningful variable names
rule rename_vars:
        script = config["src_data_mgt"] + "rename_variables.R",
        data   = config["src_data"] + "mrw.dta"
        data = config["out_data"] + "mrw_renamed.csv"
        config["out_log"] + "data_mgt/rename_variables.Rout"
        "Rscript {input.script} \
            --data {} \
            --out {} \
            >& {log}"

Exercise: Using Config Files

Go through the remainder of the Snakefile and replace all explicit paths with references from the config file.