Chapter 9 Make Tables

Now that we have learned how to make our code more concise, we want to move forward and apply the new concepts from the previous part to finish our replication.

In this chapter we will create a rule which generates all the regression tables in Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992).

9.1 The State of the Snakefile

MODELS = glob_wildcards("src/model-specs/{fname}.json").fname 

# note this filter is only needed coz we are running an older version of the src files, will be updated soon
DATA_SUBSET = glob_wildcards("src/data-specs/{fname}.json").fname
DATA_SUBSET = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("subset"), DATA_SUBSET))

PLOTS = glob_wildcards("src/figures/{fname}.R").fname


rule run_models:
                    iSubset = DATA_SUBSET,
                    iModel = MODELS)


rule model:
        script = "src/analysis/estimate_ols_model.R",
        data   = "out/data/mrw_complete.csv",
        model  = "src/model-specs/{iModel}.json",
        subset = "src/data-specs/{iSubset}.json"
        estimate = "out/analysis/{iModel}.{iSubset}.rds"
        "Rscript {input.script} \
            --data {} \
            --model {input.model} \
            --subset {input.subset} \
            --out {output.estimate}"

# figs TARGET

rule make_figures:
                    iFigure = PLOTS)


rule figure:
        script = "src/figures/{iFigure}.R",
        data   = "out/data/mrw_complete.csv",
        subset = "src/data-specs/subset_intermediate.json"
        fig = "out/figures/{iFigure}.pdf"
        "Rscript {input.script} \
            --data {} \
            --subset {input.subset} \
            --out {output.fig}"


rule gen_regression_vars:
        script = "src/data-management/gen_reg_vars.R",
        data   = "out/data/mrw_renamed.csv",
        param  = "src/data-specs/param_solow.json"
        data   = "out/data/mrw_complete.csv"
        "Rscript {input.script} \
            --data {} \
            --param {input.param} \
            --out {}"

rule rename_vars:
        script = "src/data-management/rename_variables.R",
        data   = "src/data/mrw.dta"
        data = "out/data/mrw_renamed.csv"
        "Rscript {input.script} \
            --data {} \
            --out {}"


rule clean:
        "rm -rf out/*"

rule clean_data:
        "rm -rf out/data/*"

rule clean_analysis:
        "rm -rf out/analysis/*"

9.2 Building a single table

Let us first start by making a single, explicit rule to create our first table.

You can find the R script which does this under src/tables/regression_table.R. As always, we start by using the help function to learn the necessary input parameters the script expects:

Rscript src/table/regression_table.R --help
Usage: src/tables/regression_table.R [options]

        -s CHARACTER, --spec=CHARACTER
                a json dictionary of table parameters

        -o CHARACTER, --out=CHARACTER
                output file name [default = out.tex]

        -h, --help
                Show this help message and exit

Our model expects two arguments:

  • --spec, a json dictionary with table parameters. This includes the models this tables contains as well as table specifications such as headers, column names etc.
  • --out, the output filename the LaTeX code will be saved to

We will make the first table with table_01.json as the spec argument and an appropriate output filename:

rule table:
        script = "src/tables/regression_table.R",
        spec   = "src/table-specs/table_01.json"
        table = "out/tables/table_01.tex"
        "Rscript {input.script} \
            --spec {input.spec} \
            --out {output.table}"           

If all model files have been created in the last chapter, then this rule should run through with a single executed task via

snakemake --cores 1 table

Additional to the usual Snakemake output, the LaTeX code of the table is printed to the screen.

Let us check that the table has been successfully created in the out/tables folder:

ls out/tables

Nice, let us now clean our output folder and try to execute the table rule again.

snakemake --cores 1 clean
snakemake --cores 1 table

[Sat Feb 20 21:19:20 2021]
rule table:
    input: src/tables/regression_table.R, src/table-specs/table_01.json
    output: out/tables/table_01.tex
    jobid: 0


In gzfile(file, "rb") :  
  cannot open compressed file '/Users/ubergm/Documents/projects/snakemake/snakemake-econ-r-learner/out/analysis/model_solow.subset_nonoil.rds',  
  probable reason 'No such file or directory'  
Execution stopped

[Sat Feb 20 21:19:20 2021]
Error in rule table:
    jobid: 0
    output: out/tables/table_01.tex
        Rscript src/tables/regression_table.R  
        --spec src/table-specs/table_01.json  
        --out out/tables/table_01.tex  
        (one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code;  
        note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)

Shutting down, this might take some time.  
Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message  
Complete log: /Users/ubergm/Documents/projects/snakemake/  

We got an error. Looking at the R output, we see that the file out/analysis/model_solow.subset_nonoil.rds could not be found. Why is this?

The model specification includes the path to the necessary models featured in table 1. Therefore R is looking for them in the output folder of the model rules. However, we have not included the model outputs as necessary inputs to our table rule. Snakemake therefore does not check if they exist and will not build them either.

This is easy to fix. We just need to include the model inputs from the run_models target rule from the previous chapter into our new rule. This tells Snakemake to create all models before creating the regression table.

Copying this part and adding it as {input.models} makes our table rule a target for the model outputs. We should end up with a rule like this:

rule table:
        script = "src/tables/regression_table.R",
        spec   = "src/table-specs/table_01.json",
        models = expand("out/analysis/{iModel}.{iSubset}.rds",
                        iModel = MODELS,
                        iSubset = DATA_SUBSET)        
        table = "out/tables/table_01.tex"
        "Rscript {input.script} \
            --spec {input.spec} \
            --out {output.table}"           

Let us clean and rerun the rule:

snakemake --cores 1 clean
snakemake --cores 1 table

Checking the output folder again, we see that all models

ls out/analysis
model_aug_cc.subset_intermediate.rds        model_aug_cc_restr.subset_nonoil.rds     model_aug_solow.subset_oecd.rds            model_cc.subset_intermediate.rds     model_solow.subset_nonoil.rds          model_solow_restr.subset_oecd.rds
model_aug_cc.subset_nonoil.rds          model_aug_cc_restr.subset_oecd.rds       model_aug_solow_restr.subset_intermediate.rds  model_cc.subset_nonoil.rds       model_solow.subset_oecd.rds            model_ucc.subset_intermediate.rds
model_aug_cc.subset_oecd.rds            model_aug_solow.subset_intermediate.rds  model_aug_solow_restr.subset_nonoil.rds        model_cc.subset_oecd.rds         model_solow_restr.subset_intermediate.rds  model_ucc.subset_nonoil.rds
model_aug_cc_restr.subset_intermediate.rds  model_aug_solow.subset_nonoil.rds        model_aug_solow_restr.subset_oecd.rds      model_solow.subset_intermediate.rds  model_solow_restr.subset_nonoil.rds        model_ucc.subset_oecd.rds

and the table

ls out/tables

have been successfully created.

9.3 Building all tables at once

Being able to build a single table and all the models is of course nice but we want to build all six tables from Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) with a single line of code. To do so elegantly, we will employ all tools we have learned in the last part. You will practice this in the following exercise.


We want to generalize our table building script in this exercise to automatically create all six tables from Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992).

Follow these steps to accomplish this:

  1. Add a wildcard to the table rule which can take the varying part of the {input.spec} and {output.table} parts. To do so, replace table_01 with {iTable} in both.
  2. Create a new target rule called make_tables. The rule expands the output argument of the table rule. It uses the {iTable} wildcard from a list called TABLES.
  3. Create the TABLES list using the glob_wildcards function which matches filenames without the file ending from the src/table-spec folder.
  4. Clean your output folder.
  5. Run the make_tables rule.
  6. Verify that all six tables have been created in the output folder.


Putting Steps 1-3 together should give us these three new parts:

TABLES = glob_wildcards("src/table-specs/{fname}.json").fname

rule make_tables:
                iTable = TABLES)

rule table:
        script = "src/tables/regression_table.R",
        spec   = "src/table-specs/{iTable}.json",
        models = expand("out/analysis/{iModel}.{iSubset}.rds",
                        iModel = MODELS,
                        iSubset = DATA_SUBSET),
        table = "out/tables/{iTable}.tex"
        "Rscript {input.script} \
            --spec {input.spec} \
            --out {output.table}"
  1. Clean your output folder.
snakemake --cores 1 clean
  1. Run the make_tables rule.
snakemake --cores 1 make_tables
  1. Verify that all six tables have been created in the output folder.
ls out/tables

The expected output are the six table files:

table_01.tex  table_02.tex  table_03.tex  table_04.tex  table_05.tex  table_06.tex

B References

Mankiw, N. Gregory, David Romer, and David N. Weil. 1992. “A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth*.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 107 (2): 407–37.