A Installation Guide

A.1 Windows

A.1.1 Bash terminal

Windows does not have a bash terminal installed by default. Follow instructions here to install one.

A.1.2 Python

Install Anaconda Python

  • We provide instructions on how to install anaconda python here

Installing Snakemake

Inside your terminal window enter the following command and press Return

pip3 install snakemake

you may need to replace pip3 with pip

If you get an installation error here, the the following commands sequentially:

pip install datrie
pip install snakemake

If you are still having issues:

  • If you are completing this tutorial as part of a live workshop, raise your hand
  • Else, create an issue here, and tell us what the error message is + what operating system you are running on. We will try and resolve it.

Installing R

We provide instructions on how to install R here

Installing the Required R libraries

We utilize some additional R packages inside the scripts that build our project. To install either:

  1. If you have RStudio and are comfortable installing packages there.
    • Open Rstudio
    • Copy and paste the following lines into the R console:
    to_install <- c("dplyr",
    install.packages(to_install, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org/")
  2. A command line alternative:
    • Open your bash terminal and change directory to the folder called snakemake-econ-r-learner you downloaded in Chapter XX.
    cd PATH/TO/snakemake-econ-r-learner
    • Run type the following command into the terminal and press Return:
    Rscript install_r_packages.R

A.2 Mac

A.2.1 Bash terminal

You have a bash style terminal installed by default. To open a terminal session:

  • Open spotlight with cmd + space
  • Type in ‘terminal’
  • When the terminal appears, open it.

A.2.2 Python

Install Anaconda Python:

We provide instructions on how to install anaconda python here

Installing Snakemake

Inside your terminal window enter the following command and press Return

pip3 install snakemake

you may need to replace pip3 with pip

Installing R

We provide instructions on how to install R here

Installing the Required R libraries

We utilize some additional R packages inside the scripts that build our project. To install either:

  1. If you have RStudio and are comfortable installing packages there.
    • Open Rstudio
    • Copy and paste the following lines into the R console:
    to_install <- c("dplyr",
    install.packages(to_install, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org/")
  2. A command line alternative:
    • Open your terminal and change directory to the folder called snakemake-econ-r-learner you downloaded in Chapter XX.
    cd PATH/TO/snakemake-econ-r-learner
    • Run type the following command into the terminal and press Return:
    Rscript install_r_packages.R

A.3 Linux / Ubuntu

A.3.1 Bash terminal

You have a bash style terminal installed by default. Instructions to open a terminal vary across Linux flavours. On Ubuntu style flavours, Ctrl + Alt + T will work.

A.3.2 Python

Install Python using the deadsnakes ppa (Ubuntu Specific):

  • Here’s how to add the deadsnakes ppa and install Python 3.8
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3.8

Installing R

We provide instructions on how to install R here

Installing the Required R libraries

We utilize some additional R packages inside the scripts that build our project. To install either:

  1. If you have RStudio and are comfortable installing packages there.
    • Open Rstudio
    • Copy and paste the following lines into the R console:
    to_install <- c("dplyr",
    install.packages(to_install, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org/")
  2. A command line alternative:
    • Open your bash terminal and change directory to the folder called snakemake-econ-r-learner you downloaded in Chapter XX.
    cd PATH/TO/snakemake-econ-r-learner
    • Run type the following command into the terminal and press Return:
    Rscript install_r_packages.R